Helper Functions

csv(txt[, comment]) Read the string in txt as csv file and return the content as DataFrame.
deg2slope(degree) convert degrees to a slope (\(\Delta x / \Delta y\))
linear(slope, p0) get function/expression of a straight line with a given point which it intercepts
circle(r[, x_m, y_m, clockwise]) get function/expression of a circle with a given mid point
channel_end(r, end_degree) get vertical end of the channel based on the radius of the channel and an end angle
combine_input_files(shape_path[, …]) combine all generated shape text files to a single inp-like text file
shape_generator.helpers.csv(txt, comment=None)[source]

Read the string in txt as csv file and return the content as DataFrame.

  • txt (str) – content of csv
  • comment (str) – comment sign

csv table as pandas DataFrame

Return type:



convert degrees to a slope (\(\Delta x / \Delta y\))

Parameters:degree (float) – angle in degree
Return type:float


shape_generator.helpers.linear(slope, p0)[source]

get function/expression of a straight line with a given point which it intercepts

  • slope (float) – slope
  • p0 (set[float, float]) – point as a set of a x and a y coordinate

linear function

Return type:


straight line

Straight line

shape_generator.helpers.circle(r, x_m=0, y_m=0, clockwise=False)[source]

get function/expression of a circle with a given mid point

  • r (float) – radius
  • x_m (float) – x axis value of the mid point
  • y_m (float) – y axis value of the mid point
  • clockwise (bool) – whether the circle is clockwise or anticlockwise

function of the circle

Return type:




shape_generator.helpers.channel_end(r, end_degree)[source]

get vertical end of the channel based on the radius of the channel and an end angle

  • r (float) – radius of the channel
  • end_degree (float) – end angle in degree (°)

height of the channel when the circle reaches a certain angle

Return type:


channel end

Channel end

shape_generator.helpers.combine_input_files(shape_path, delete_original=False)[source]

combine all generated shape text files to a single inp-like text file

When running the shape_generator.shape_generator.Profile.input_file() function, a .txt file will be created. Those txt files will be combines to a single file with this function. This makes it easier to import all shapes to the .inp file.

  • shape_path (str) – path where the shapes are stored
  • delete_original (bool) – whether to delete the original single files

Main Function


shape_generator.shape_generator.CrossSection(label) main class A Class that should help to generate custom cross section shapes for the SWMM software.


__init__(label[, long_label, height, width, …]) Initialise the cross section class
add(x_or_expr[, y]) add part of cross section
check_for_slopes([debug]) convert slopes to points
create_point_cloud() create absolute point coordinates and write it into df_abs
check_point_cloud() remove errors from the point cloud, ie.:
df_rel relative point coordinates
cross_section_area() calculate the cross section area


generator([show]) check_for_slopes + create_point_cloud + check_point_cloud
make([show, plot]) generator + profile_abs_plot + input_file
add_and_show(*args, **kwargs) add + generator + profile_abs_figure

Text-files / Figures

profile_rel_plot([auto_open, file_format]) create a plot graphic into the working_directory with relative dimensions
profile_abs_plot([auto_open, file_format]) create a plot graphic into the working_directory with absolute dimensions.
profile_abs_figure() create a plot of the absolute dimensions
dat_file() create the EPA-SWMM Curve Data .dat -file, which can be imported into SWMM The file is save into the working_directory.
inp_string() create the curve data for cross section shapes in the .inp -file (SWMM-Input) format, which can be pasted into the input file.
input_file() create the curve data for cross section shapes in the .inp -file (SWMM-Input) format and save it as a separate txt-file.

Pre defined Cross Sections

standard(label, long_label, height[, width, …]) standard cross section
box(label, height, width[, channel, bench, …]) pre defined box (=Kasten) cross section
box_from_string(label, height, width[, …]) create pre defined box (=Kasten) cross section with the string label.
from_point_cloud(relative_coordinates, …) get the cross sections from a point cloud where every point is relative to the lowers point in the cross section
class shape_generator.shape_generator.CrossSection(label, long_label=None, height=None, width=None, add_dim=False, add_dn=None, working_directory='', unit=None)[source]

main class A Class that should help to generate custom cross section shapes for the SWMM software.


number of decimal points to use for the export


descriptions of the cross section as commands in a list


points and functions to describe the cross section


maximum 100 points to describe the cross section in absolute values


directory where the files get saved


unit of entered values


if the cross section two separate cross sections

__init__(label, long_label=None, height=None, width=None, add_dim=False, add_dn=None, working_directory='', unit=None)[source]

Initialise the cross section class

  • label (str) – main name/label/number of the cross section
  • long_label (Optional[str]) – optional longer name of the cross section
  • height (float) – absolute height of the CS
  • width (Optional[float]) – absolute width of the CS (optional) can be calculated
  • add_dim (bool) – if the dimensions should be added to out_filename used for the export
  • add_dn (Optional[float]) – if the channel dimension should be added to out_filename used for the export enter the diameter as float
  • working_directory (str) – directory where the files get saved
  • unit (Optional[str]) – enter unit to add the unit in the plots
add(x_or_expr, y=None)[source]

add part of cross section

can be a:

  • function/expression
  • point (x,y) coordinates
  • boundary condition (x or y) of a surrounding function = only x or y is given and the other is None
  • slope (x=slope, y=unit of slope)
  • x_or_expr (Optional[float , Expr , None , tuple]) –
    • float : x coordinate or x-axis boundary or slope if any str keyword is used in argument y
    • Expr : Expression/function for the cross section part
    • None : if a y-axis boundary is given
    • tuple : will be seen as the full input for this function
  • y (Optional[float,str]) –

    y coordinate of unit of slope

    • float : x coordinate or x-axis boundary
    • None : if a x-axis boundary is given or an expression in x_or_expr
    • str : argument x is a slope
      • slope : ready to use slope 1 / \(\Delta\) y
      • °slope : slope as an angle in degree (°)
      • %slope : slope in percentage (%)
add_and_show(*args, **kwargs)[source]

add + generator + profile_abs_figure

and print the raw shape (description of the cross section)

macro function for jupyter example

  • *args – see add arguments
  • **kwargs – see add keyword arguments
static box(label, height, width, channel=None, bench=None, roof=None, rounding=0.0, add_dim=True, long_label=None, unit=None)[source]

pre defined box (=Kasten) cross section

see Examples for box shaped profiles

  • label (str) – see __init__
  • height (float) – see __init__
  • width (float) – see __init__
  • channel (Optional[float]) – diameter of the dry weather channel
  • bench (Optional[float]) –

    bench (=Berme)

    • '': flache Berme
    • 'R': V-förmiges Profil
    • 'H': Schräge Verschneidung
  • roof (Optional[float]) –

    roof (=Decke)

    • '': gerade
    • 'B': Bogen
    • 'K': Kreis
  • rounding (Optional[float]) – rounding of the edges
  • add_dim (bool) – see __init__
  • long_label (Optional[str]) – see __init__
  • unit (Optional[str]) – see __init__

pre defined box (=Kasten) cross section

Return type:


static box_from_string(label, height, width, custom_label=None, unit=None)[source]

create pre defined box (=Kasten) cross section with the string label. This function takes the information from the label and pass them to the box - function.

see Examples for box shaped profiles


pre defined box (=Kasten) cross section

Return type:






convert slopes to points

Use this function after adding all the necessary descriptions of the cross section with add. This function converts slopes into point coordinates and specify boundary condition to (x,y) coordinates for Expressions and slopes.

Parameters:debug (bool) – to print debug messages during the runtime

remove errors from the point cloud, ie.:

  • remove duplicates,
  • (if specified) remove points which overlap the overall cross section width and
  • other errors…

create absolute point coordinates and write it into df_abs

To create a pandas.DataFrame of all the points to describe the cross section. This function replaces the Expressions given in add to points with x and y coordinates and writes them into the df_abs attribute.


calculate the cross section area

Returns:area, unit depend on unit of the entered values.
Return type:float

create the EPA-SWMM Curve Data .dat -file, which can be imported into SWMM The file is save into the working_directory.


relative point coordinates

convert the absolute values in the point coordinates to values relative to the cross section height

Returns:point coordinate values relative to the cross section height
Return type:pandas.DataFrame
static from_point_cloud(relative_coordinates, *args, **kwargs)[source]

get the cross sections from a point cloud where every point is relative to the lowers point in the cross section

  • relative_coordinates (pandas.Series) – height-variable as index and width as values with the origin in the lowest point of the cross section
  • *args – arguments, see __init__
  • **kwargs – keyword arguments, see __init__

of the point cloud

Return type:


point cloud

Point cloud


check_for_slopes + create_point_cloud + check_point_cloud

macro function

Parameters:show (bool) – see check_for_slopes debug - argument and print the created point cloud

get absolute width of cross section

Returns:width of cross section
Return type:float

create the curve data for cross section shapes in the .inp -file (SWMM-Input) format, which can be pasted into the input file.

Returns:formatted text of the data
Return type:str

create the curve data for cross section shapes in the .inp -file (SWMM-Input) format and save it as a separate txt-file.

This function uses the inp_string -function to get the string and saves the string in a file. The file is save into the working_directory.

make(show=False, plot=True)[source]

generator + profile_abs_plot + input_file

macro function


filename of the figure/text-file to be created

Return type:str

create a plot of the absolute dimensions

Returns:plot of the absolute dimensions
Return type:matplotlib.figure.Figure
profile_abs_plot(auto_open=False, file_format='png')[source]

create a plot graphic into the working_directory with absolute dimensions.

This function uses the profile_abs_figure -function to get a figure and saves the figure in a file.

profile_rel_plot(auto_open=False, file_format='png')[source]

create a plot graphic into the working_directory with relative dimensions


make the cross section as a double section (=Doppelprofil)

static standard(label, long_label, height, width=nan, r_channel=nan, r_roof=nan, r_wall=nan, slope_bench=nan, r_round=nan, r_wall_bottom=nan, h_bench=nan, pre_bench=nan, w_channel=nan, add_dim=False, add_dn=False, unit=None)[source]

standard cross section

  • label (str) – see __init__
  • long_label (str) – see __init__
  • height (float) – see __init__
  • width (float) – see __init__
  • r_channel (float) – radius of the dry-weather channel (=Trockenwetter Rinne)
  • w_channel (float) – half width of the channel, only in combination with r_channel active
  • pre_bench (float) – slope of the upper end of the channel in degree, only in combination with r_channel active
  • r_round (float) – radius of the rounding of the edges, only in combination with r_channel active
  • h_bench (float) – height where the bench begins, only in combination with r_channel active
  • slope_bench (float) – slope of the bench (=Berme) in degree, or slope of the rainwater-floor (=Regenwetterrinne)
  • r_roof (float) – radius of the roof (=Decke)
  • r_wall (float) – radius of the sidewall (=Seitenwand), only in combination with r_roof active
  • r_wall_bottom (float) – radius of the bottom sidewall (=untere Seitenwand), only in combination with r_wall active
  • add_dim (bool) – see __init__
  • add_dn (Optional[float]) – see __init__

standard cross section

Return type:



see Standard cross section

standard cross section

Standard cross section

english deutsch
channel Trockenwetter-Rinne
roof Firste/Decke
wall Seitenwand
bench Berme