from sympy import Expr, sqrt, Symbol, solve, Float
from pandas import read_csv, DataFrame
import pandas
import sympy
from io import StringIO
from os import path, listdir, remove
from math import radians, cos, tan
# these variables are used to solve symbolic mathematical equations
# x is the control variable over the height ... max(x) = H_cross_section
x = Symbol('x', real=True, positive=True)
d = Symbol('d', real=True) # interception of the linear function
[docs]def csv(txt, comment=None):
Read the string in txt as csv file and return the content as DataFrame.
txt (str): content of csv
comment (str): comment sign
pandas.DataFrame: csv table as pandas DataFrame
df = read_csv(StringIO(txt), index_col=0, skipinitialspace=True, skip_blank_lines=True, comment=comment)
df = df[df.index.notnull()].copy()
df.index = df.index.astype(str)
return df
[docs]def deg2slope(degree):
convert degrees to a slope (:math:`\\Delta x / \\Delta y`)
degree (float): angle in degree
float: slope
.. figure:: images/slope.gif
:align: center
:alt: slope
:figclass: align-center
return round(tan(radians(degree)), 5)
[docs]def channel_end(r, end_degree):
get vertical end of the channel based on the radius of the channel and an end angle
r (float): radius of the channel
end_degree (float): end angle in degree (°)
float: height of the channel when the circle reaches a certain angle
.. figure:: images/channel_end.gif
:align: center
:alt: channel end
:figclass: align-center
Channel end
return r * (1 - cos(radians(end_degree)))
[docs]def circle(r, x_m=0, y_m=0, clockwise=False):
get function/expression of a circle with a given mid point
r (float): radius
x_m (float): x axis value of the mid point
y_m (float): y axis value of the mid point
clockwise (bool): whether the circle is clockwise or anticlockwise
sympy.core.expr.Expr: function of the circle
.. figure:: images/kreis.gif
:align: center
:alt: circle
:figclass: align-center
return sqrt(Float(float(r)) ** 2 - (x - Float(float(x_m))) ** 2) * (-1 if clockwise else 1) + Float(float(y_m))
[docs]def linear(slope, p0):
get function/expression of a straight line with a given point which it intercepts
slope (float): slope
p0 (set[float, float]): point as a set of a x and a y coordinate
sympy.core.expr.Expr: linear function
.. figure:: images/gerade.gif
:align: center
:alt: straight line
:figclass: align-center
Straight line
x0, y0 = p0
if slope == 0:
return x0
fi = (x - d) / slope
di = solve(fi.subs(x, x0) - y0, d)[0]
fi = fi.subs(d, di)
return fi